The statement alone says so much. Beginner! That mean’s for you, that the “Pressure Is Off!” Don’t pile on the pressure that comes from entering into primarily a Type A personality sport. Type A people need to know everything, have everything, try everything, discuss everything, and master everything!
Here are a few things I personally learned along the way that I hope helps you understand what it is to truly be a “Beginner Triathlete”.
#1. External Self Audit! Be honest with yourself, who are you today? I don’t want you to remember how fast you used to be or how fast you plan on being. I want you to really get a grip on WHO you are right now! What do you have to work with?
A. I can barely swim. Lets be honest, I don’t know how to swim.
B. I don’t have a bike. Okay, I have a bike but it’s my moms bike.
C. I can run. I run a little. I’m not a “runner”, but I run!
#2. Internal Self Audit! All Journey’s require change, flexibility, endurance and growth. Are you ready for the price that this journey is going to cost you.
A. Am I willing to become who I need to be, in order to succeed?
B. Am I willing to un-become the way I see myself, treat myself, train myself…so that I might make room for the Next Level of my life?
C. What is currently in my life that doesn’t belong in my future! What is in your past, that has no place in the healthy future you are creating for yourself?
After your self audit, make a series of goals to address WHO you are and where YOU want to go.
The Beginner Triathlete is at such an advantage. Drop the pressure, be honest with yourself and figure out exactly what we have to work with. Let’s figure out how much we have to actually give or are willing to give to this Journey! From this moment on, if you take the steps I mentioned above…you are implementing some of the basic foundations of life that every successful person had to deal with at one time or another. It’s called RESPONSIBILITY to ones self, ones goals, ones resources, ones Dream!
Below is an example of my own initial self audit:
A. Who am I? I am 51, 172 lbs…about 20lbs over weight.
B. Who am I? I sleep horribly…I do this to myself.
C. Who am I? I have eat Mediocre…high cholesterol.
A. How am I? 50% disciplined athletically…I make excuses
B. How am I? 50% nutritionally disciplined…emotional eating
C. How am I? 80% Impose too much pressure on self
A. Where am I? I have no bicycle
B. Where am I? I don’t have membership to YMCA to swim
C. Where am I? I NEED new shoes
A. What am I? I am a middle of the packer
B. What am I? I’m broke, I need to be responsible $$$
C. What am I? I’m not good at accountability, I isolate
I will ask encouragement from my wife to remind me of my goals.
#1. Create Consistent Sleep pattern
#2. Cut out night snacking, eat more vegetables, drink more water
#3. See Doctor about high cholesterol
#4. Ask friends if they have extra bike to borrow
#5. Cut memberships to needless crap
#6. Train a runner for $50 to pay for my YMCA membership
#7. Get a swim coach ASAP
#8. Join Facebook group to help not isolate so much, then local group.
#9. I will stop thinking little of myself, just because I have a huge dream!
#10. I will remember this Journey is to enhance my life, grow me as a person and healthier as a Husband, Father and Friend.
What is your solution? Please post to Heili Motivated Facebook group to let everyone know what is YOUR solution. If you would like to discuss having a coach, please see the packages we offer or subscribe for more information.